we dont believe in capitals or apostrophes or punctuation or grammar
we obey our beloved cult leader crusty crustal who sorta loves and cherishes each and every one of the cult members
everything you need to know about the crystals cool i guess cult
1. you have to eat shrimp cause that is all crustal allows you to eat
2. the highest level of the cult is puffin
everyone wants to become a puffin when they reincarnate
3. you can get points from crusty crustal
enough points can promote you to puffin
4. when you disobey or refuse to eat shrimp or youre allergic then too bad for you i guess
crusty crustal shows peach pie mercy to uncultured swines
5. you will reincarnate into a phytoplankton to be eaten by the shrimp in your next life if you dont eat shrimp or dont get any points to become puffin
that is everything you need to know about crystals cool i guess cult